Auz Fontaine
We’re so ready to drop this one on y’all today!! Auz Fontaine really showed up and performed a raw ass session for the people, Puttin all types of emotions on the line to give quite possibly the most unique session we’ve had yet. One of the many joys of doing these sessions is the true bliss that comes from so many types of wild music, and this is just peak sonic euphoria. There is no other option but to dance to these sounds; love songs from the future delivered by fellow humanoids in the year 2023, and the boogie is truly unstoppable. Auz Fontaine gets real with personal anecdotes of loss and love throughout each heartfelt tune, bringing us closer to reality while keeping up with cybernetic glitchy blips flying past our faces.
Simple, effective, mind blowing, complex…. This is the session to tap right into every level of your feels and let them floodgates fly open. Nothing else for you to do but to enjoy.