Miss New Buddha - Live at Half Way Home Studios (Black Vinyl)

Miss New Buddha - Live at Half Way Home Studios (Black Vinyl)
A blast from the past: Back in 2021, when the world was in a tailspin that we still feel dizzy from, a band did a thing that they haven’t done since: played music. Miss New Buddha got together for one final performance for who knows how long on that faithful day, and it was a wonderful family affair. Knowing how imminent change was about to effect them due to a band member moving away, Miss New Buddha stared into the abyss of a murky future not just for them but for the whole world, and rather than cowering in fear at the unknown they delivered their usual bone-bashing methodical rock to get the feeling right in the room for as long as they could. A day that will live in infamy for our studio and our musical family, and now it shall live in wax for you to own as well.